Without a doubt, high-end audiophiles have rested their confidence with QSA’s quantum processed vacuum tubes.
《新音响》曾介绍过QSA的保险丝、入耳式耳塞、电源转接头等配件类产品,包括笔者在内,一开始对售价不便宜,看起来又略欠精美的QSA产品,多少抱持怀疑态度。不管读者相不相信它QSA的神奇效果,世界上很多超级发烧友都已经相信了,否则不会在短时间内,已经有31个国家/地区建立的代理商。包括美国、英国、德国、法国、丹麦、奥地利、波兰、瑞典、西班牙、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、塞尔维亚、南非、瑞士、乌克兰、以色列、罗马尼亚、拉脱维亚等欧美国家,以及中国(包括港澳地区)、迪拜、越南、马来西亚、新加坡、印尼、印度、阿拉伯联合酋长国、菲律宾等亚洲国家和地区。可以说不分人种、文化、音乐背景,几乎绝大多数人都肯定QSA的效果与价值,他们在不同领域内使用不同配件的心得,网络上洋洋洒洒多不胜数,其中有些使用心得多得神乎其技,你不能说所有人都是“枪手”吧!荷兰数播王Taiko Audio推出的旗舰产品Olympus music Server定价81200欧元(T1.6A220V,T3.15A110V).,建议使用上QSA Silver保险丝(美元us5000只),或配更高型号,这也是很好的例证,及Extreme server欧元2万7200 (T2A220V,T4A110V)。
QSA的全名Quantum Science Audio(量子科学音频),是在全球大流行病期间于美国亚历桑纳州Scottsdale(沙漠中的绿洲城镇)创立的新品牌,一开始他们选择了音响产品中最小的组件--保险丝作为切入点,推出价格令人窒息,据说效果也能惊天动地的产品,堪称新一代保险丝王。有多贵呢?最顶级的Crystal Gold red(水晶金红)一只要价美元2万5/支,而不是人民币,是美金哦!次一级的 Gold (金)1万美元,接下来crystal Gold(水晶金)美元7500,卖得比较好的是Black Red(黑红色)2844美元。最便宜的 Black(黑色)售价二百多元人民币,据说已经能打败市面上所有类似的产品。
QSA团队亚洲区代理Steven Tsang是一位拥有三十多年经验的hifi老行家,过去擅于从世界各地发掘奇奇怪怪的音响配件,只有我们想不到,没有他找不到的东西。这么说一点不客气,Steven Tsang与许多Hi-End品牌的负责人、国际知名录音师都熟识,他们最感兴趣的话题是如何让声音变得更好听,而不是广告中经常强调的“更真实”,因为发烧友分布各地,喜好差别甚大,要大部分人都觉得好听才是真的好听。音源、功放、音箱都有自身的物理局限,所以让声音更好听的秘诀,往往就得靠一些配件,包括每个发烧友都会使用的电源处理、避震垫材等。笔者所认识的Steven Tsang,知识涵括不同范畴,领悟力又特强,能举一反三,许多音响奥妙之处均能参透玄机,所以他找到的音响配件均有神奇之处,过去朋友私下称他为“音响王”。
QSA处理技术是如何操作的笔者确实不清楚,我们就从QSA率先推出的量子科学保险丝来看看。QSA保险丝型号以颜色分为4个系列,各有9个等级,魔鬼鱼系列(全频提升),号角系列(人声雄浑有劲),水晶系列及标准系列 以厚声为主,由高至低分别是金、银、红黑、红色、浅紫色、黄色、浅蓝色和黑色,而每个型号下还有四个不同使用功能系列,A-Analog供模拟器材;D-Digital供数码器材;S-Sub-woofer供有源超低音;V-Video供视频器材,调声,使器材各自发挥最大功效。
水晶系列,以高透明度清晰为主,又高到低分别是 水晶金红、水晶金、水晶银、水晶红、水晶紫、水晶黄、水晶蓝及水晶黑。
QSA保险丝可将音响器材性能提高70%-80%,而一般电源线改变的效果最多仅为20%-30%。QSA团队将自己的技术保密,但他承认使用高品质的石墨烯混合物来产生想要的结果。其中的关键之一是使用了独特的音乐味金属分子排列技术 (MMMAT) 和金属活性技术 (MAT),它们产生更有效的电子流,从而实现更高的电导率。从厂方公布的资料显示,量子科学QSA保险丝的十大核心技术包括:
⑥使用Seethrough Effect提升声像定位精确性,达到录音室级别的重播效果
看不懂?没关系,笔者也觉得有看没有懂。猜测关键重点是金属击活技术,让分子电子流动量加大,加得越大效果越好,能提升动态范围和声音密度,不同型号保险丝的差异就在击活程度。除了保险丝,QSA还有电源转接插头、电源墙插、入耳式耳塞、空气开关MCB,漏电断路制RCCB、信号线的RCA与XLR接头、网线水晶头、含银焊锡(含银量有14.5%、10.5%、7.5%三种)等产品。以后计划陆续推出D类数字功放、最低噪声的直流电源供应器、USB线、Hdmi地线、Cat7网络线、交流电源处理器、交流电源线、硬盘读取器、电子管等。这些配件产品都不是QSA自己生产的,他们按需要订购零配件,然后再进行量子技术处理。这次我们介绍的就是QSA以量子技术击活的电子管。理论上不同品牌,不同结构(三极、四极、五极、六极、七极、八极、九极、复合管)、不同用途(电压放大、功率放大、充气管、闸流管、引燃管、混频或变频管、整流、振荡、检波、调谐指示、稳压等)、不同形状(ST管、GT管、大型G式管、金属瓷管、花生管/MT管、塔灯塔管、超小型铅笔管)等,通通可以透过量子技术击活强化其性能。当然QSA不可能把所有类型电子管备齐,只要发烧友感兴趣,大可将手头珍贵的WE 300B或GE 211等古董管,连系代理商送去进行量子处理。
QSA产品亚洲区总代理Steven Tsang表示,QSA团队历经22年高成本研发+数年实体试音测试,今年推出全球首创QSA电子管处理技术,并在2024年5月德国慕尼黑音展首度开声,让电子管工作状态由睡眠模式恢复到工作模式,能提升任何型号电子管,声音效果均可提升到不同等级。电子管是胆机灵魂之窗,使用QSA技术升级后,胆的声音变得生猛有弹跳力,不会死气沉沉,重播时更有现场音乐的感觉。QSA团队说发烧友都认为声音最好的古董胆都是1930年左右生产的,足以证明现代制造工艺与材料并没有带来太多进步,因为难度太大,而且研究起来难有头绪,而QSA技术仿佛是解决问题的灵丹妙药。他说实际对比不同等级的QSA 300B,最高等级水晶金红(QSA处理费用一对管17500美元)音色好有贵气,有动态又细腻,而且定位准确漂亮,人声好像浮凸要走出来似的,音场也很宽广。相比之下中级的水晶红(QSA处理费用一对管1280美元),各方面表现就弱了一点,一分钱一分货,但已经有老外发烧友惊叹:“是的……我终于可以用眼睛看到音乐了!”厂方公布的电子管处理费用,还有入门黄色一级,要价us150人民币1100,都是一对管的价格。为了防止假冒,所有qsa胆升级均由香港代理商直接发货到用家手上,经销商只作试音。
再引述另一位英国老外发烧友的评论:“ QSA技术处理胆,如同是一位音频魔术师,他可以将标准的2声道系统从立体声转换为多声道环绕声,QSA技术是我30年来体验过的最令人印象深刻的重要产品!无需为增加额外的扬声器,这真的太疯狂了,dts和杜比的设计师恐怕也会为之疯狂,QSA如何做到这一点的?我在LM150ia胆机中试用了经过紫色QSA技术处理us500人民币3650/对的9只电子管,效果非常非常满意,我认为音场的深度和宽度得到了改善,微观细节和低音也显得更清晰了。我还有2台美国Audio Research的胆机,它们的输出管都有自动偏压功能,当我把QSA处理的电子管放回去不到1分钟,它就稳定在50到55mA之间,然后我需要手动增加偏压才能回到65mA,原来QSA量子处理过的电子管居然有如此大的变化。”
Cover Story
Prologue to a Legend
By - Chan Kwok Wing
In the realm of audio anything can be processed by QSA’s quantum technology!
Being unappealing to the human eye in terms of its packaging, coupled with the relatively high entry level price, QSA’s (Quantum Science Audio) product range of fuses, in-ear headphones, AC power jitters and other products had led to a level of skepticism by audiophiles (including the Editor) around the world even after its introductory article in the “New-Audiophile” Magazine. Regardless of whether readers believe it or not, QSA’s products were on everybody’s lips inside the audio community, making its debut to 31 countries/regions around the world through their respective leading distributors including USA, UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine,Israel, Romania, Latvia, Dubai, UAE and South Africa within EMEA. In the far east, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Hong Kong and Macau also sell QSA products. It seems that QSA became a commonality amongst different nationalities, cultures and music preferences, gaining recognition and sharing value across the audio community, with countless discussions on how to maximize QSA’s fuse in different audio equipment. This new wave of the QSA black magic eventually made its way to the tables of Taiko Audio, a Netherland high-end music server producer who suggest QSA’s Silver fuse (USD5,000 / per piece) or higher model into its EUR81200 flagship Qlympus Music Server (T1.6A 220V / T3.15A 110V) and Extreme Server retail in EUR27200 (T2A 220V / T4A 110V) .
Founded during the early stages of Covid-19 in the oasis town of Scottsdale, Arizona, QSA (Quantum Science Audio) chose the smallest piece of audio equipment, the fuse, as its inauguration, with a ridiculously crazy price tag. This divine product with a remarkable price was soon crowned as the new “King of Fuses” with its flagship Crystal Gold Red fuse priced at a staggering USD25,000, yes, it’s not RMB, we’re talking about USD! Taking one step down, the Gold fuse is already off the charts at USD10,000 and it’s Crystal Gold at USD7,500. The most popular for audiophiles is the Black Red selling at USD2,844 and a more digestible entry level Black fuse at RMB200 or so, is already unbeatable compared to other products within its price range.
So what is the secret behind these fuses? QSA did not reinvent the wheel or the fuse, nor did they incorporate any aerospace technology or room-temperature superconducting materials. As the name of the company had already hinted, QSA’s emphasis of quantum science fuses are of course quantum audio technology, that is, utilizing quantum impact on changing the molecular structure of metals. This technology is not restricted to fuses only but can also be applied to literally any component. After metal molecules are subjected to quantum impact (QSA had evolved this activation technology to its seventh generation), the flow of electrons increases within the conductor, which in turn is reflected in the actual listening experience, which is known as Musical Metal Molecule Alignment Technology (MMMAT) and Metal Active Technology (MAT). The sound is more three-dimensional, with a greater sense of three-dimensional depth, with sonic improvements in more substance and details in human vocals. Extended yet smooth high frequencies adds to the magic touch of the music, making it an utmost listening pleasure to the ear.
Whilst QSA’s products improves the information content of the music on one hand, it compresses the noise from the alternating current on the other, creating a ‘pitch-black’ background which further portrays the minute details of the music itself. The QSA team said that they have always been committed to developing practical and effective products. All accessories have been truly processed by quantum science and technology. QSA may not possess the extravagant packaging or the fancy appearance, but focuses on the performance of the product itself which will definitely convince your ears. Enthusiasts who have tested and compared it actually have become fans of QSA.
To accommodate for the enquiries on QSA’s products, the Head Distributor of Asia for QSA, is led by Steven Tsang, who himself is a veteran hi-fi expert with more than 30 years of experience by which his name rings the bell for many hi-end audio producers and internationally recognized sound engineers. The general discussion topics amongst them revolve around emphasizing sound quality improvements and re-constructing it so to reproduce the exact sound when the recording occurred, which is known as ‘naturalness or realism’ as advertised by different audio products. Steven has vast experience in sourcing all kinds of audio accessories around the world and basically there are only products which we can’t think of and nothing he can’t find. As quoted by the editor “The Steven Tsang I know has a wide range of knowledge, a strong sense of understanding, and the ability to draw inferences from one instance. He can understand many of the mysteries of audio, so the audio accessories he finds are all magical. In the past, friends privately called him "King of Audio".”
Given everyone’s preference for sound is unique and varies greatly across the world, gaining recognition on what is regarded as “amazing sound” is already a huge challenge. Coupled by the physical limitations from audio equipment such as audio sources, power amplifiers and speakers, audiophiles turn to supporting accessories such as power treatment, spike-pads…etc in an effort to calibrate to the optimal sound of their preference.
It is true that many people are not familiar with the quantum technology currently advertised by QSA. Quantum is an important concept in modern physics, first proposed by German physicist M. Planck in 1900. He assumed that the radiation energy in blackbody radiation is discontinuous and can only take integer multiples of the basic unit of energy, which is called quantization phenomenon. Quantization phenomena are mainly manifested in the microphysical world. The word quantum comes from the Latin word quantus, which means "how much" and represents "a considerable amount of a certain substance." Because it is completely different from the classical physical theory represented by Newtonian mechanics, quantum mechanics has been controversial for more than a hundred years. For example, Einstein can be regarded as the founder of quantum science. The only Nobel Prize he won in his career was for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and the concept of energy as a portion. But later he became a general who opposed quantum mechanics. Although history has proven that Einstein made a mistake, it can illustrate the twists and turns in the development of quantum mechanics.
In the simplest terms, quantum technology is a technology that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to design, manufacture and manipulate devices and materials. It utilizes the unique properties of quantum mechanics, such as quantum superposition state, entanglement state and tunnel effect, to achieve higher information processing and communication capabilities. The main development direction is in the two fields of quantum communication and quantum computing. Quantum communication uses quantum states to encode, transmit, process and decode information, especially secure communication through quantum key distribution. In August 2016, China launched the world's independently developed space quantum science experimental satellite "Mozi"; since then, Chinese researchers have used quantum satellites to successfully achieve the first thousand-kilometer-level two-way quantum entanglement distribution between satellites and ground in the world and are waiting for results. In 2017, the world's first quantum; secure communication backbone network "Beijing-Shanghai Trunk Line" project passed the general technical acceptance. In the coming future, quantum information technology is expected to allow China to "change lanes and overtake" and gain control of the industrial chain.
Quantum computing, on the other hand, uses the superposition and entanglement properties of quantum bits (qubits) to perform parallel calculations, which is very different from traditional 0 or 1-bit binary. For example, the security of the current widely used encryption keys depends on whether a computer can be used to divide a large number N into two prime numbers (prime numbers) and multiply them. In 1994, Stephen used a workstation connected with 1,600 computers to try to divide 129 digits into two prime numbers (prime numbers) and multiply them. As a result, it took 8 months to separate them (unlock the code). But if N is stretched to 500 bits, it would probably take the age of the universe to decode it. However, quantum computing is different. If we have a quantum computer with 2,000 qubits, it only takes one second to unlock the code.
Based on the powerful potential of quantum technology, some "false concepts" have emerged. For example, the ‘teleportation’ characteristic of quantum technology can temporarily send people to another location over a short time interval is a hoax and is absolutely impossible. Two conditions are required: one is entanglement, and the other is classical communication. Classical communication cannot exceed the speed of light. This is definitely not technically incomplete, but simply impossible in principle. In addition, commercial marketing has made quantum mechanics very magical, and products such as quantum water, quantum massage, quantum insoles, and quantum medicine have appeared. Whether it is quantum or not depends on whether it works according to the laws of quantum mechanics.
Despite the editor does not know how QSA processing technology operates, but it is worthwhile to take a look at the quantum science fuse first launched by QSA. QSA fuse models are divided into 4 series by color, each with 9 levels. The jerryfish series (full frequency enhancement), horn series (strong and powerful vocals), crystal series and standard series are mainly for higher density, ‘thicker’ sound, from high to low. They are graded from gold, silver, black red, red ,orange,light purple, yellow, light blue and black, and there are four different function series under each model. A-Analog is for analog equipment; D-Digital is for digital equipment; S-Sub-woofer provides active subwoofer; V-Video provides video equipment and sound adjustment to maximize the effectiveness of each equipment.
The crystal series, mainly with high transparency and clarity, from high to low are crystal gold red, crystal gold, crystal silver, crystal red, crystal purple, crystal yellow, crystal blue and crystal black.
Purely from appearance, there is nothing special about QSA fuses. The difference between different models is that there are different color rings around each fuse. If you look closely, you can find that there is a single crystal at the bottom of each fuse. With 22 years of fuse research and development under their belt, the QSA team has been committed to eliminate the so-called “bottleneck distortion” (BND) through its quantum technology, making the sound reproduced by the audio equipment to become more vivid, ultra-quiet noise floors and becoming super dynamic. This is all because the QSA team believes that one of the biggest bottlenecks in the performance of audio equipment is the fuse. No matter how expensive the power cord used at the front end, it will eventually pass through the small fuse prior to entering the power system. Various power cords and power processors do help, but fuses are always the weakest link in the power chain allowing the audio equipment to perform at its best.
Independent research data shows that QSA fuses can improve the performance of audio equipment by 70%-80%, while the effect of general power cord changes is only 20%-30% at most. The QSA team keeps its technology proprietary, but admits to using a high-quality blend of graphene to produce the desired results. One of the keys is the use of unique Musical Metal Molecular Alignment Technology (MMMAT) and Metal Active Technology (MAT), which produce a more efficient flow of electrons, results in higher conductivity. Information released by the manufacturer shows that the ten core technologies of Quantum Science QSA fuses include:
1.Musicality release/burst technology to reduce the impact of the roughness of digital sound, bringing in a more analog taste;
2.Metal molecule noise reduction technology, lowering background noise floor and increasing the details;
3.Metal molecule compression arrangement technology, reducing resistance 5% to 30% more than other brands, which greatly increases transient response speed;
4.Metal Activation Technology (MAT) increases the flow of electrons per second, improving the charge transfer efficiency at the metal molecule interface, and greatly increases micro-dynamics within the music;
5.The physical resonance point adjustment technology reducing the oscillation of the conductor molecules in the fuse tube, stabilizing the sound field, creating a crystal clear sound image. A small black sticker on the body of the fuse is used to adjust the physical resonance point;
6.Utilizing the See-through Effect to improve the accuracy of sound and image positioning and achieve studio-level replay effects;
7.Using special element quantum technology to incorporate special elements inside the fuse sticker to reduce electromagnetic wave interference;
8.Containing a trace amount of 10.5% conductive ultra-high pure silver solder wire to improve sound transparency;
9.The metal caps at both ends of the fuse are coated with micro-nano oil to make the contact points closer, increasing the amount of passing current through the fuse, which drives a more consistent and stable low frequency.
10.The fuse conductor itself is made of a special alloy material, which achieves excellent sound balance and no loss of low-frequency volume at low levels.
Don’t understand how they work? It doesn’t matter, the editor also feels the same way. It is speculated that the key focus is metal activation technology, which increases the flow of molecular electrons. The greater the increase, the better the effect with respects to dynamic range and sound density. The difference between different grades of QSA fuses lies with the degree of activation. In addition to fuses, QSA also has power adapter plugs, power wall plugs, in-ear earplugs, MCB,RCCB, RCA and XLR connectors for interconnects, network cable, and silver-containing solder (14.5%, 10.5%, 7.5% Ag – 3 types) and other products. In the future, QSA plans to gradually launch Class D digital power amplifiers, lowest-noise DC power supplies, USB cables, Hdmi ground cables, Cat7 network cables, AC power processors, AC power cords, hard disk readers, vacuum tubes, etc. Despite that these accessories are not produced by QSA, the process the parts of these accessories with quantum technology. A blessing for electron tube enthusiasts is that their tubes can also be processed by QSA using quantum technology. Theoretically, different brands, different structures (three-pole, four-pole, five-pole, six-pole, seven-pole, eight-pole, nine-pole, composite tube), different uses (voltage amplification, power amplification, gas tube, thyristor, lead tube combustion tube, mixing or frequency conversion tube, rectification, oscillation, detection, tuning indication, voltage stabilization, etc.), different shapes (ST tube, GT tube, large G-type tube, metal-ceramic tube, peanut tube/MT tube, tower lighthouse tube , ultra-small pencil tubes), etc., all of which can be activated through quantum technology to enhance their performance. Of course, QSA cannot prepare all types of electron tubes in their product range but as long as enthusiasts are interested, they can send their precious antique tubes such as WE 300B or GE 211 to a distributor for quantum processing. If vacuum tube sound like a deflated basketball prior to QSA technology processing, elasticity and life will entirely revitalize the tube after the QSA treatment without sacrificing the lifespan of the tube itself.
The sample we received is the 7300B manufactured by Hunan based Chinese electron tube manufacturer LinLai, which has been processed by three levels of QSA tube processing technology. Previously, QSA said that it can be divided into 9 levels according to the different levels of processing technology to achieve sound balance with different sound systems. The vacuum tube uses cathode filament (tungsten oxide, molybdenum oxide, platinum, rhodium, iridium), anode (oxygen-free copper, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum metal and graphite materials), grid (molybdenum wire, polycrystalline silicon). There are definitely differences in the sound characteristics between the same models due to different materials such as casings and lead wires, and this is something that audiophiles cannot change and are liked by audiophiles due to these unique characteristics. So WE (Western Electric), RCA, Philips, Mullard CV, Telefunken, Mullard, GEC, Siemens, Valvo, GE, EH, KR, JJ, Tungsol, Sylvania...etc different brands have their own unique flavour with each having their fans. Modern Sovtek, EI, JJ, Svetlana, electro-harmonix, PSVANE, etc. also have supports.
Audiophiles who are into the sonic differences between wire structures and brands claim that wires which have been treated with -196C cryogenic technology adjusts the tonal balance, extending the service life, improve uniformity, and reduce deformation of the wiring itself. However, it is dangerous apply this process with vacuum tubes given their glass exterior which is prone to thermal expansion and contraction, fractures or leakages. QSA's quantum technology processing method is non-destructive as it does not involve temperature change during processing nor physical changes in the appearance of the product after the processing. Of course, it will not change the characteristics of the original material of the tube. WE is still WE, Dawn is still Dawn, but their sounds are replayed. Performance has been greatly enhanced.
Being the main distributor of QSA products in Asia, Steven Tsang said that after 22 years of high cost research and development and several years of physical audition testing, the team launched the world's first QSA tube processing technology this year and will make its debut at the Hi End Munich in Germany in May 2024, allowing tubes to restore to its working state from sleep mode to active working mode, which can improve any type of vacuum tube, and the sound effects can be improved to different levels. Vacuum tubes are the spirit of a tube amp. After the QSA upgrade, the sound becomes vigorous and bouncy, not lifeless, and it feels more like live music during replay. The QSA team said that audiophiles all believe that the antique best sounding electron tubes were produced around 1930’s, which proves that modern manufacturing processes and materials have not brought much progress because they are very difficult to reproduce and sometimes hard to comprehend. QSA technology seems like the silver bullet in solving this centennial problem. Tsang said that in actual comparison of different grades of QSA 300B, the highest grade Crystal Gold Red (the QSA processing fee for a pair of tubes is US$17,500) has a good and luxurious sound, dynamic and delicate, and the positioning is accurate and beautiful, and the vocals seem to be embossed. Yes, the sound stage is also very wide. In comparison, the mid-level Crystal Red (QSA processing fee is US$1,280 for a pair of tubes) is a bit weaker in all aspects. You get what you pay for, but some foreign enthusiasts have already exclaimed: "Yes... I can see the music with my eyes!" The manufacturer announced the price of tube processing, and the entry-level yellow level, the asking price is US150 RMB 1100, which is the price of a pair of tubes. In order to prevent counterfeiting, all QSA tube upgrades are shipped directly to users by the main distributor in Hong Kong, and the local dealers only for sound demo testing.
To quote another British foreign audiophile’s comment: “The QSA technology processing is like an audio magician. He can convert a standard 2-channel system from immersive sound to multi-channel surround sound. QSA technology is the most impressive and important product I have experienced in my 30 years of audio experience! No need to add extra speakers, this is really crazy, I am afraid the designers of DTS and Dolby will also go crazy for it, how did QSA do this? I tried 9 tubes processed with purple QSA technology in the LM150ia tube amplifier. The effect is very, very impressive. I think the depth and width of the sound stage have been improved, and the micro details and bass are also clearer. There are also 2 American Audio Research tube amps. Their output tubes have automatic bias functions. When I put the QSA-processed tube back for less than 1 minute, it stabilized between 50 and 55mA, and then I needed to manually increase the bias voltage back to 65mA. It turns out that the QSA quantum-processed tube has such a big change."
Main Distributor (Asia):
Lieder International Company (+86-13068404390)